Parlant d’ouvert et/ou libre, Joi Ito cite Irving Wladawsky-Berger’s definition of Open Standards:
If a crunch comes between the interests of the shareholders and interests of the community, a business has to choose the interests of the shareholders. A business creating a standard that it controls and says is ‘open’ and that people should ‘trust them’ is not robust from that perspective. Business should prevent itself from getting into these situation. Working with neutral professional organizations makes it impossible for such conflicts to corrupt the process and is key to good open standards.
Je trouve qu’il y va un peu vite sur le « impossible », mais c’est le point qui me fait hocher la tête, c’est que le mot « open » est un buzzword (mot à la mode, dans le vent, ou encore jargonnerie, selon Termium), et qu’il est utilisé à toutes les sauces pour se réclamer de n’importe quoi.
(Via Joi Ito’s Web.)