Legal tips for bloggers: Audio advice from experts, dans le cadre de la conférence Blogher (dans le sens de…). Je me demande si ca intéresserait pas ma maman (la conférence, pas les conseils juridiques).
Legal tips for bloggers: Audio advice from experts, dans le cadre de la conférence Blogher (dans le sens de…). Je me demande si ca intéresserait pas ma maman (la conférence, pas les conseils juridiques).
Je m’excuse parce que je ne parle pas plus de francais.
Thanks for the link. I hope you find the Legal tips audio feeds helpful? Here’s the good news: BlogHer will have a few live bloggers chronicling the follow-up session on this post, moderated by Jennifer Collins. If you check back on and after July 30, we’ll provide a link to even more information for these experts (on the American IP market). I would welcome any additional links and guidance you can recommend for bloggers’ rights in the EU and around the world. Thanks!