Babble promises free calls to landlines in the UK, USA Mainland (including Canada according to their number tester), Australia, New Zealand and Europe)
If the hype is true, I can’t understand why the self described Broadband VoIP Telephone Service with FREE calls! is not currently #1 on Google for Babble. Not that Rabble is not a worthy cause, especially with all the stories on Bush’s visit (plus, they work with, which works with Alternatives… But I disgress).
Could it be because I can’t seem to connect to the network with their client and I’m not alone? Or maybe it’s a firewall problem: Skype works fine from this network, but MSN file transfer does not. I don’t dare to probe around too much…
But I definitely want to get it to work though though, as free calls home is a sweet promise (Calling Grenadine at work from home, when were both reasonably awake! And calling her from home, without having to go to the payphone on the street corner a block away would be a bonus too). The promised MacOS X client will most likely make me more proactive, in the meantime, there is Skype and a bunch of other, with a clearer revenue stream.
But I still have to send my PowerBook back to the mechanics: they forgot to repair the sound-in port the first time around (on the other hand, I don’t get that gentle electrical tingle while my skin bridges my charging laptop with a grounded object anymore, and that’s a plus).
Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get pots, for which I might get more options soon.
[Babble knowledge is a courtesy of Om Malik and VoIP watch.]