Je viens de terminer A Fine Balance de Rohinton Mistry. Une suggestion d’Olik. Un excellent bouquin sur l’Inde, les Indiens et les absurditees de la vie. Ne pas s’attendre a une conclusion offrant une lueur d’espoir.
Je viens de terminer A Fine Balance de Rohinton Mistry. Une suggestion d’Olik. Un excellent bouquin sur l’Inde, les Indiens et les absurditees de la vie. Ne pas s’attendre a une conclusion offrant une lueur d’espoir.
Hey, I remember that I started reading that… somehow didn’t finish it. I’ll get back to it one day. Right now, reading Life of Pi.
Nice! Tell me which story you prefer when you’re done with it. I read it a couple weeks ago myself. Didn’t know you were keen on that kind of litterature.
i read both life of pi and a fine balance. They are both really good books, but i would have to say that A Fine Balance changed the way I look at life and the way I think about human nature. Both books are beautiful, though.