Font history

Douze Lunes points to « Scourge of Arial« . It tells a little bit of type history. I like those things, as you might have noticed.

Speaking of fonts, these days, I’m trying to use Gentium, « a typeface for the nations » as an alternative to my old favourite, Minon. It’s free-as-in-beer (and I’m not convinced the open source model would work well for fonts) and the goal of the project is interesting. I stumbled upon it looking for fonts with the required accents to write pinyin.

Quote of the day

Andrew McLaughlin : « Here’s a good way to frighten yourself: Learn about something, and then read what the press writes about it. It’s astonishing how often flatly untrue things get reported as facts. »

Exactly what I needed to hear today (about a very different issue)… Ok, the actual point about IPv6 is interesting too.

[via Donna’s Copyfight]

Onno W. Purbo

Has anyone heard of this guy? Onno W. Purdo is apparenly doing a very cool project in Indonesia using Wifi (apparently on « stolen » FM spectrum) to provide Internet connectivity at very low cost. A trainer (err… facilitator..) last week mentionned him a few times but it turned out he didn’t know much about the project either.

There is a lot of information on this server. I’m trying to skim through it to understand a bit more. Looks like his projects start with solid ideological and policy basis though.

International Cyber(cons)piracy

Time to replace the maple leaf by the Jolly Rogers?

Frank points to this CNet article where Michael Geist speaks ont he differences between Canadian and US copyright laws.

He does confirm what I argued about before regarding downloading from filesharing networks and private copying:

I’m inclined to think that you’d have a pretty good argument as an individual user–that personal, noncommercial copying is permitted by the exemption.

The one caveat–and this is where there have been many myths–is that there is little doubt under Canadian copyright law that making those same songs available to others is not permissible.

So many interesting things are going on in the cyberlaw space right now, I find it very frustrating as I am spending most of my time away from my computer these days. I barely have time to read my news.