Saturday 13h45 [Video]
Moderator: Michael Geist
- Ian Kerr, People Like Us
- Dan Hunter, Cyborg and Virtual World
This panel was very different from the rest of the symposium. It left me in a very meditative and dreamy state, due to both the topics and the schedule. Far fetched in many ways, but I always feel far fetched theories and hypothesis is what helps me to test my ideas in the field of cyberlaw. Therefore I feel it provided very good food for thoughts.
DH: The young inventor and the emperor of China: in compensation for the game of chess, the inventor asked for 1 grain of rice, doubled on each square.
Moore’s law: transistor density, the singularity…
Possibility of digital buddies.
Californication of commerce: various application of AI in ecommerce.
Aristotle, Descartes, Babbage/lovelace
Gilbert Ryle, Norbert Weiner, Turing, Deep blue, Kurzweil, Weizenbaum (Eliza) and Nicole.
ELLEGirlBuddy (smarterchild/activebuddy)
Marketing push to create word of mouth/relationship. Virtual trust, virtual frienship.
Concerns: consumer law: truthful information, complete information, privacy implications.
An approach might be translating what we know about psychology into machine language and use that to obtain info about someone.