Copyright Panel 3

Friday 14h00 [Video]

Moderator: Elizabeth Judge


  • Ann Bartow, Copyrights And Creative Copying
  • Abraham Drassinower, Rights Based Approach to

Ann Bartow

Imitation is the sincerest form of felony.

Alan Latman’s position on substantial similarity.

Access lowers requires similarity since Internet gives wide access.

Disincentive to credit inspirational artist.

Little creativity required to copyright, but significant creativity required to differentiate from earlier work.

She did good show of the borderlines cases in similarity. Very lively presentation, so much that I didn’t take many notes as it seemed all very logical and fluid.

Abraham Drassinower

He did his « rights based » speech, similar to the one he gave au Umontreal last fall. Very detailled analysis of authorship. Good thing his paper was included in the program, especially since he mostly read excerpts of his paper. This is actually a good thing since it helps to get an overview of the matter and the nuances are best reflected upon when they are read.