
Martine vient de me faire penser à Communauto. Et puis il y a Fleecy qui évangélise ça depuis un an. Et mon excuse était que « y’a pas de stations près de chez nous ». J’avais tord.

Avoir su j’y aurais sérieusement réfléchi…

This is smart use of technology

Enters SMS agriculture says SPU newslog: farmers in Kenya will be able monitor prices for their products via their mobile and SMS. The hope is that this will avoid farmer’s exploitation by middlemen since previously, knowing commodity prices required travelling to markets.

Non more meta

Anil Dash on the flash mobs phenomenon I discussed earlier.

Those who are worried about the weblog fad flaming out, fear not. Mobs are truly the flagpole-sitting of the new millennium. As Joshua astutely observed, Flash Mobs are striking in that they are an affinity event for people who have no affinity group. A Meetup for people who like Meetups. How much more meta can it get? None. None more meta.

+1 for the Spinal Tap reference, and for the semi self-serving lament to the effect that flash mobs coverage in the media does not mention weblogs.

[via SmartMobs]

A Framework for Evaluating Digital Rights Management

First International Mobile IPR Workshop: conference of Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet in Helsinki.

A team from SIMS at Berkeley is presenting a paper that evaluates and proposes DRM schemes for compulsory licensing.

Mary Hodder also did something that was on my to do list: a chronological list of the public conversation and articles about the compulsory licensing issues that have been going on lately. Very much appreciated and helpful. Thanks.

[via bIPlog]

Flash mob in Montreal

Cyberpresse reports that a bunch of people threw rubber ducks in the fountain in front of Place des Arts while chanting « coin coin ». This was Montreal’s first flash mob.

It seems to be quite the rage this week-end, even the BBC says so. Might be the heat, or just the desire to cling onto the vacations.

Personally, I don’t get it. I’m not saying i wouldn’t participate ever, but I wouldn’t get out of my way to participate. Unless it’s totally absurd or original, or perhaps even meaningful or artsy.

I do get a feeling that this stuff is either about using all those telecom technologies that surround us in a personal, self indulging way, or about expressing free will in a very unproductive way.

Not that any of this is bad of course, it’s kinda fun and new and different. It means people have nothing too important to worry about. Which is good. I guess.

Keep yourself informed of the upcoming flash mob events in Montreal or just get a feeling of the flash mob scene.