This is smart use of technology

Enters SMS agriculture says SPU newslog: farmers in Kenya will be able monitor prices for their products via their mobile and SMS. The hope is that this will avoid farmer’s exploitation by middlemen since previously, knowing commodity prices required travelling to markets.

Non more meta

Anil Dash on the flash mobs phenomenon I discussed earlier.

Those who are worried about the weblog fad flaming out, fear not. Mobs are truly the flagpole-sitting of the new millennium. As Joshua astutely observed, Flash Mobs are striking in that they are an affinity event for people who have no affinity group. A Meetup for people who like Meetups. How much more meta can it get? None. None more meta.

+1 for the Spinal Tap reference, and for the semi self-serving lament to the effect that flash mobs coverage in the media does not mention weblogs.

[via SmartMobs]