Où suis-je? Que fais-je? Dans quel état j’erre?
Pourquoi je ne poste plus rien? Je déménage et l’Internet moyenne vitesse ne sera disponible que mercredi prochain dans mon nouveau chez-moi.
Où suis-je? Que fais-je? Dans quel état j’erre?
Pourquoi je ne poste plus rien? Je déménage et l’Internet moyenne vitesse ne sera disponible que mercredi prochain dans mon nouveau chez-moi.
Umm… not very subtle advertising… Speaking of which, is this similar to the DSL Basic service offered by Sympatico? Seems like it…
Yeah, and Sympatico even has a « better » deal, offering their regular high speed ADSL for the same price Videotron is charging me for the « low speed » thing, but for only 5 months.
But you are right: I think Sympatico started the « basic service » first and Videotron followed. I think the idea was to offer a service slightly better than dial-up where the most obvious benefit was to free the phone line. For me, it is mostly about an always on connection. I’ll pay for broadband when I can afford it.
Basically for me the deal breaker with Sympatico is that PPPoE thing and the flaky quality of service when distance from CO increases or quality of wiring in building decreases. I’m a risk for both those problems in my new place, hence the cable.
Too bad, because a few resellers have some decent ADSL packages. Check out http://www.istop.com/residential.html or http://www.radioactif.com/HVforfaits.htm
If Videotron ever decide to charge me for the DOCSIS modem after a year (I get it free for 12 months), I might still be better off, because I could either grab one used or sign on for regular speed, and get the modem free if I sign for 12 months.
Funny thing, I’m supposed to benefit from a « special offer » blah blah. But the sales guy could not tell me what the regular non-special price was. So I have no idea what my cost will be when this « special offer for new subscribers only » expires. I think that might be border line misleading advertising.