4 réflexions sur « San Francisco suggestions »

  1. Stop shoving your iLaw paradise vacation in my face Seek! Enough already 🙁 Think of all the poor souls who couldn’t make it. It’s about time that the program starts, cause if I had to stand another week of this brouhaha about it, I think that I would sneak into a plane and disappear from my office for a week. Although I suspect that only the janitor would notice that a dummy is sitting in front of the computer instead of me though :p Anyway! Take a bunch of pics and remember to update your blog frequent enough to inform the rest of the world who couldn’t be there of what’s going on!

  2. I’ll try!! But seriously, if there is one person who shouldn’t be talking about rubbing their whereabouts in the face of others, it’s you… I miss Geneva.

  3. That’s not fair. Just because you liked being here, doesn’t mean that I have to share your enthusiasm about it. And granted that I shouldn’t bitch as much about it, but being here doesn’t automatically prohibits me from wanting to go where the action is! Anyway, side question: is the name of the city where one is would be considered as a personal identifiable information :p ?

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