You’re reading this. What ads does Google think you might like to see?
Find out here. Do you think it’s relevant? Comment below…
[via Aaron’s Google Weblog]
You’re reading this. What ads does Google think you might like to see?
Find out here. Do you think it’s relevant? Comment below…
[via Aaron’s Google Weblog]
Well it’s definitly relevant to me and probably to most of your readers/friends since we all study or work in this field…
Although i’m not certain these ads will get me to buy anything, they have more of a chance than if you present me with an X-Cam ad…
You would soooooo be the guy to put one of those out by your pool too! It would be good though: I’d know when to drop by…
Hum … not shure the gizmo on or the Google adword really works. I’ve entered into the thing, and those are the relevant ads….
Habitat for Humanity
Donate your car to Habitat or other charities. Tax deduct.
Donate to Charity
100% Tax-Deductible Donations Free Pickup. No Hassles!
American Cancer Society
No matter who you are we can help.
National PTA
Thousands of resources for parents and teachers. everychild. onevoice.
Well… what do you know… I have not visited the website, but it shure seems like a nice, socially oriented website. 🙂