Unbrand america

In the end, the Resistance was known for one thing – they simply would not participate. Not in the 24-hour economy, the 60-hour work week, the flag-waving parades, the media manias, the permanent fear, the cheers for the troops. And then there was their mark, of course. It crept into daily life, until it became a constant reminder that these really were bleak times. Until one day you no longer knew who was in control – the empire that was everywhere – or this invisible revolution.

Unbrand America flash manifesto

Apparently an Adbuster subsidiary. Large agenda too… I think I’ll wait for a cause that’s a bit more tightly focused, although I do appreciate the « let’s change the underlying mentality » approach to problem solving. I’m more a pro something than an anti everything person though.

[via Mefi and Algorythm]

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