Unbrand america

In the end, the Resistance was known for one thing – they simply would not participate. Not in the 24-hour economy, the 60-hour work week, the flag-waving parades, the media manias, the permanent fear, the cheers for the troops. And then there was their mark, of course. It crept into daily life, until it became a constant reminder that these really were bleak times. Until one day you no longer knew who was in control – the empire that was everywhere – or this invisible revolution.

Unbrand America flash manifesto

Apparently an Adbuster subsidiary. Large agenda too… I think I’ll wait for a cause that’s a bit more tightly focused, although I do appreciate the « let’s change the underlying mentality » approach to problem solving. I’m more a pro something than an anti everything person though.

[via Mefi and Algorythm]

Terre Neuve

J’ai été choqué d’apprendre ce week-end qu’il n’y avait pas de serpents, de porc-épics, de marmottes, ni de mouffettes à Terre-Neuve. Et ils appellent ça une province?! (apparemment ils compensent avec plein d’orignaux et de caribous)

Le paradis me direz vous peut-être? Notez qu’il n’y a pas de chevreuils ni de ratons-laveurs non plus. J’ai au moins fait l’éducation de ma newfie préférée sur ces deux derniers points ce week-end.

Pourquoi? Explication rationnelle ici.

First sale and video stores

I had missed that post by Derek on the first sale doctrine and video stores. The context is Bowers v. Baystate. Cory’s comment on that post was noted by Donna and it calls for regulation of contracts related to intellectual property.

Can you even call those contracts licenses now that they apply to objects that are subject to intellectual property but concern rights and obligations outside the scope of IP?

Derek’s post also points to Findlaw’s model contracts directory, which is a nice resource I did not know about.