
Remember Aimster? Oral arguments on appeal were last week.

Aaron Schwartz posts about his experience in the courtroom.

Another report, by an attorney this time. [via Lessig].

Derek posted his thoughs on the case, including his opinion on the contributory vs vicarious infringement debate.

Of course, Donna has tons of links too.

Some people seem to focus more on Aimee herself than on the underlying legal argument. But hey, she’s a good poster child.

And why is this case important? In two very short words, it could change the principle under which the manufacturer of goods cannot be held liable for its misuses. Like a VCR, which you could use to copy movies (but does anyone actually bother?) or tape TV shows for later viewing.


Interview with Phil Zimmermann on Greplaw about PGP, civil liberties and policy.

[side note: I just noticed my (french) spell checker suggests « libertines » and « libertins » as a corrections for « liberties ». How fitting…]