8 réflexions sur « Craiglist »

  1. craigslist is a very simple, very successful classified notices system that started in the Bay Area and has expanded into various U.S. cities, Vancouver, Toronto and supposedly Montreal soon. It’s a no-nonsense apartment, job and personals posting system. One of the best things about it is that everything is free except for employers posting job openings. Some of the personals ads my California friends have found on craigslist are very funny or well written.

  2. Thanks for the clarification.

    It was a rethorical question though: I’ve been jealous of the Seattle-ite (?) I know ever since he forwarded me a couple of nice tidbits from the craiglist.

  3. Craiglist Provides Excellent job Posting,
    are up to date with reasonable offer. retail,
    Hospatility,office, adminstrated are my personal
    expertease.I’ve been in search for an opportunity
    as of yet I’m Available single who can share a equal chanledge to accomblish unfinish goals.

  4. Craiglist Provides Excellent job Posting,and
    are up to date with reasonable offers. retail,
    Hospatility,office, adminstrated are my personals
    expertease.I’ve been in search for an opportunity
    as of yet I’m Available single who can share a equal chanledge to accomblish unfinish goals.

  5. Yes, Craiglist is best when you can sort out whose a flake or good seller, or buyer. Beware of many scams especially if someone offers to buy your stuff sight unseen. My friend in SF got a certified money order from someone in dallas texas. After 1 week the certified check bounced. Don’t send your stuff before the money order cleared! Beware!

  6. I am looking for qualified installer for hardwood flooring & tiling in Oakland, CA

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