Protege 5

Il y a une étape dans une vie où tous nos amis décident de s’acheter une voiture neuve. Pour être plus précis, c’est cinq amis dans l’espace d’un an. Quand tous décident en plus d’acheter la même voiture la même année, c’est carrément weird.

Mais tous ces amis qui font vroum vroum vroum seront content de voir que Mazda ne dort pas sur ses lauriers et nous prépare déjà la « MX sportif« , qui reprend les grandes lignes, et le nom à la française, de leur rutilant bolide.

Apparemment, ça a été dévoilé au Salon de Genève. Eyewitnesses anywhere?

[merci à Fizzz-c’est-trop-compliqué-blogger pour le lien]


C’est le bébé (au figuré) de Dodolicieuse qui est mentionné par la Grande rousse aujourd’hui!

Comme elle le dit:

Le ministère de la Justice du Canada et celui du Québec se sont donné la main (si, si, ça arrive…) pour mettre en ligne un site voué à la vulgarisation du droit et de la législation ; un format grand public. Cette mine de ressources abrite un lexique particulier, vulgarisé de telle façon qu’il en devient parfois charmant.


J’ai entendu une rumeur freak voulant que l’équipe de Star Académie s’est fait huer au stage en chantant « Take me out to the ball game » lors du match d’ouverture des Expos…


On en serait rendu à voir si on ne devrait pas fournir des aiguilles propres aux hackers. Plutôt que de tenter d’éradiquer le mal, l’auteur propose de tenter de réduire les effets du mal, en utilisant des méthodes de programmation plus sécuritaires par exemple.

Give up on the notion that computer security can be improved by putting more people in prison, argues Jon Lasser, SecurityFocus columnist.

[via GrepLaw]

Madonna’s American Life

There is a new song by Madonna’s that got leaked and obviously ended up on p2p file-sharing networks. I’m not familiar with the specifics of the song itself. The interesting tidbit is that a decoy song also got leaked. It’s a mostly empty track containing the following prose by the artist herself:

« What the fuck do you think you’re doing? »

It’s supposedly been offered with a attractive name on filesharing networks.

It’s been reported by Billboard, Arstechnica, BiPlog
and many many others .

Well I got curious and I managed to find the decoy file. It was named « MADONNA-AMERICAN LIFE- LOVE PROFUSION-New.mp3 ».

Now I wonder… This was obviously put on a p2p sharing network by the rights holder. Under what kind of licence is it released? Until further notice, I’ll consider that there is an implicit licence to redistribute attached to this work. But just in case, I’ll stick to providing you with a small excerpt of the 4:33 original track.

I’ll let you discuss on the implications and the rationale behind the release of such decoys.


The Yale Journal of Law & Technology, weblog-style… It’s really weird for me to see that my profession, that I generally consider one of the most technologically-cautious (to be polite) out there, is actually taking a leadership position in experimenting with, and adopting, innovative content distribution methods on the Internet.

Fixing the analog hole

…You have the right to whatever rights the MPAA grants you. And you’ll be damn happy to have them! That essentially sums up the MPAA’s attitude toward “consumer” rights to listen/watch/copy/balance on their heads the media they purchase, er, license.

dixit Algorythm about a post on Cruelty to analog by Cory about a meeting of the Analog Reconversion Discussion Group .

According to his post, it seems the Analog Rights Management could be fairly blunt:

In an effort to address this inevitable « equivalence gap, » Hunt’s presentation set out the minimum set of « states » that the MPAA demands in any analog signaling (read: watermarking) system. They are:

1. Copy Never [and no redistribution]

2. Copy once (similar to the SCMS system used in DAT) [and no redistribution]

3. Copy no more (the condition of a second-generation « Copy once » copy) [and no redistribution]

4. Copy freely, but no redistribution [redistribution controlled by encryption]

5. Copy and redistribute freely (could be implemented either by absence of a signal, or by specific « copy freely » signal)

Un pipi? Une photo!

Me voilà devenu pimp pour Star Académie…

Marie-Andrée et son amie Stéphanie ont passé plus de deux heures aux studios Mel’s avec moi aujourd’hui, ce qui leur a permis de visiter le plateau de tournage et de pousser au maximum leur passion récemment découverte pour SA plus loin que jamais…

Rassurez-vous, elles ont réussi à garder leur cool presque tout le long… M-A peut désormais se vanter d’avoir fait découvrir le nouveau livre de TVA aux 12 académiciens présents, qui ont passé de longues minutes à se chercher dedans…

On a mis en pratique une technique de photographie assez innovatrice; ça consiste à intercepter la star convoitée entre sa table de signature et les toilettes, pour lui demander de s’arrêter quelques secondes au retour, question de prendre une photo. On a pu répéter le manège 6 fois!

Le clou de l’événement? M-A et S ont été couvertes de beaux becs de Martin, François et certainement quelques autres néostars (je n’ai pas tout vu! Y’avait du monde!)… Ça va jaser dans les chaumières! 🙂

Mon premier rôle d’assistant-groupie!

Data privacy

Quotes from What to Do When Uncle Sam Wants Your Data. Nice story about what is being done with the Patriot Act.

In addition to the usual beach bums, water bugs and vacationers renting equipment and booking trips, there were FBI agents demanding the names and addresses of everyone the shops had taught to dive since 1999.
They wouldn’t say why.

PADI’s vice president of industry and government relations. In order to spare the dive shops further harassment on their first busy day of the year, Nadler made a critical decision: PADI would give the FBI a copy of its own database.

But this eagerness to comply is a recipe for litigation, since volunteering data is quite different from being ordered to divulge information by a court

The cost of not complying is even higher; the government fined Western Union $8 million in December when it failed to spot multiple transfers made by the same people.

[thanks Fizzz]

Thought of the day

So on this beautiful sunny warm lazy Thursday afternoon before the Easter holidays, the not-very-keen-on-working me has been staring out the window and cruising from office to office since lunch.

I feel like sharing a thought with the rest of you who read this thing: Does everyone agree that corruption is a necessary step for a developing country? I think so (sadly). I don’t know how to make this politically correct, but it does seem to be this way. Somehow, things that wouldn’t be possible otherwise, get accomplised when corruption exists.

I am not saying that corruption should exist at all time, but from the look of it, it isn’t all bad. It seems to have its use. The problem is that it is not very easy to decide who and how to control the extend of it.

That’s it…

Safest place in Canada

Now you know, in our uncertain times, what is the safest place in Canada.

(For those abroad, Tim Hortons is the national donuts & coffee place).

(And this is my first tryout of Kung-Log new image uploading feature… Click on the image to get a larger view.)

[Thanks Crystal]


Doc Searls and Larry Lessig had a nice exchange regarding the difference between Digital Rights Management and Digital Rights Expression.

If I try to follow the ping pong it goes Doc (Creative Commons rules! It’s in fact DRM), Lessig (No, DRM must include code and implies enforcement, Dave Winer (Don’t forget me), Doc (My bad).

I’m noting this because I think standardized rights expression (DRE) is the holy grail of many IT law endeavours yet is has often failed. e.g. P3P.

CC licences are a step in that direction, and embedding them in RSS feeds, in watermarks in pictures or anywhere, brings us closer to something I have no name for, but that will bring us at least a better understanding by the consumer/public of the rights/conditions/costs attached to a work.

Now, as it is, CC licences are somewhat limited in scope, and they don’t always offer an easy way to get in touch with a rights owner. I know I heard about projetcs aiming to standardized licensing terms on a more general basis. Any pointers anyone?

Oh, and really, DRE is only one step away from DRM. All you need is an architecture to enforce it. The legal system being of course the traditional control architecture. It’s ironic to see that a problem with the law is that it’s not usually meant to be perfectly enforced…


Ananova’s Quirkies… Gotta love them: « Masturbate-a-thon set for live webcast« . And, much to my innocent surprise, this does not seem to be an isolated event.

Do people really help the world by doing this in groups? Is this a kind of « let’s break the taboos » thing or is it simply a synergetic voyeur/exhibitionist event? I must say fail to see the purported sex-ed value of this, but I think it’s pretty funny nevertheless . Anyways, if anyone find the URL…

Commentaires pourris

On dirait que des petits comiques ont trouvé une façon de faire de la pub en utilisant mes ressources, comme le montrent les commentaires de ces deux billets.

L’idée est intéressante dans la mesure où ça semble fonctionner par mot-clé et que les annonces ont un certain rapport avec le billet et que bon, les commentaires sont quand même ouverts à tous

Cependant, je me demande si ca vaudrait pas la peine de modifier un peu mes templates pour rendre la tâche un peu plus difficile aux robots…