Moist towelette

I saw a posting the other day on Slashdot about a web page discussing the different kinds of moist towelettes. It’s slashdotted into oblivion now but I had seen the page before, thanks to Memepool.

Read below to see my modest contribution to cause.

This is a towelette that was offered to me in july 2003 after an impromptu english class in a park of Yichang, a city in the Hubei province of China, a mile down from the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze river.

I think the intent of the gift was to encourage us to visit the restaurant in question. Unfortunately, as our train was leaving that night, we didn’t get the chance to oblige. Hence, this is not an endorsement of the featured establisment, but it is probable that one waitress there speaks good English.

On the the pictures, Exhibit A features the cover of the little package. Front and reverse are identical :

Exhibit B shows inside of package, with the two pockets containing an ample supply of towelettes:

Now I can toss it in the trash. I can’t believe I kept that thing for so long! Being sentimental I guess…

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