« Canadian Supreme Court Justice Ian Binnie delivered a lecture entitled Technology and the Courts: The Incomprehensible Chasing the Unteachable? at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law on February 26. Watch recorded video , now online from U of T’s Center for Innovation Law and Policy. »
Archives mensuelles : mars 2003
Boalt DRM Conference Report
LawMeme has a conference report that is a refreshing read after the ad hoc reporting I’ve read from bloggers on this conference: it does have a lot of added value compared to the raw notes and is a good reading time/information value.
It is absolutely worth reading if you can set a few minutes aside.
Treatise On Software And Law
LawMeme reports:
« Lee Hollaar, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah has made his book Legal Protection of Digital Information available for free download. »
I just had to post this Flash « videoclip ». It’s not new, but it’s so wonderfully absurd it deserves a post.
update: yes, this is some sort of twisted followup on the extreme milk thing.
EarthLink and Vonage to Partner for US National VOIP Service
Bob Shaw reports that
« New Telephony is reporting that EarthLink and Vonage are going to partner to provide US national VOIP service. »
I did mention this a couple days ago. To me, that can be called « convergence », not things like the marketing push for Star Académie.
[update: Cnet has some details]
Three-hour rule
John Udell has in post in which he criticizes my aggregator of choice. I admit I tried Radio twice, for half a day each time before deciding that I didn’t like it. And I haven’t tried NewsGator at all…
NNW is not perfect but I like it, and besides, I’m stil in the phase where I’m encouraging my friends to try to see if an aggregator can fit in their workflow, so any aggregator is better than none.
I do agree with him that NNW could give more consolidated views options though.
The same post also linked to a very interesting article about the tyranny of email that was later linked to on Slashdot. It’s a good read.
As I am at the end of a 3 hour period, I’m posting this without remorse.
Les mérites du Français
Psst m’informe que les les « Mérites du français dans les technologies de l’information 2003 » de l’OQLF ont été décerrnés et le récipiendaire du prix « hommage » est Jean-Claude Guédon.
Félicitations Jean-Claude!
Consumer vs Customer
Dan Gilmour suppute qu’il y a une signification à accorder à la nuance entre customer et consumer.
Je croyais que mon incompréhension de nuance venait d’une mauvaise connaissance de l’anglais: j’y vois la différence entre client et consommateur (mais client m’apparaît comme étant lié au secteur des services). Ceci dit, au delà de la dimension politiquement correcte, est-ce que ca fait progresser un débat?
Comme Derek@Copyfight partage mon scepticisme, je serais, en plus des questions qu’il pose, curieux de savoir si un tel débat lexical existe en français.
The future of DRM?
« Does this send a chill down your spine, too? »
[via PlaybackTime and Epeus’ Epigone]
Another book to get
Copyright Limitations and Contracts – An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations
by Lucie M. C. R. Guibault
Speaking of Legal Tech Blogs
« A couple of more blogs on legal technology topics ».
ccTLD battle…
Interesting ITU Workshop on Member States’ Experiences with ccTLDs (Geneva, 3-4 March 2003)
The whole bunch of contribution (over 60!) to the meeting can be found at http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/workshop/cctld/index.html.
However, if you want to get a taste of the discussion going on, you can read the article on The Register « Internet battle lines drawn at extraordinary Geneva meeting«
Petit précepte chinois selon Eugé.
Il peut acheter une maison
Mais pas un foyer
Il peut acheter un lit
Mais pas le sommeil
Il peut acheter une horloge
Mais pas le temps
Il peut acheter un livre
Mais pas la connaissance
Il peut acheter une position
Mais pas le respect
Il peut payer le médecin
Mais pas la santé
Il peut acheter du sang
Mais pas la vie
Il peut acheter du sexe
Mais pas de l’amour
A good parody
Another Apple switch ad parody. Considering the recent experience of someone here with a certain FinalCut boo-boo, I think it’s appropriate. Plus, it’s funny, true to a certain extent and the guy gets to kick an iMac.
Thanks Fizzz
Extreme Milk
Mordons à l’hameçon complètement et parlons encore de ce fameux drink à la vache enragée.
Monkey media archive m’éduque en faisant remarquer ce qui suit::
« Surely I can’t be the only one in blogdom who knows
that Alley Cats: The Saga of the Raging Cow was the
name of a 1983
porno flick that included – I couldn’t make this up if I tried – Ron
Jeremy. He’s the guy whose 9-and-3/4-inch
schlong starred in such classic pre-teen films as Ally McFeal,
The Flintbones and Fuck Holes – Gaping Anus. I wonder
if the ever-so-edgy
folks at Dr. Pepper who were responsible for unleashing
Raging Cow Extreme Milk Drink on the blog world are aware of this fascinating
development. »
Je n’aurais pas cru que mon idée de tenir des propos plus salaces se réaliserait si à propos.
Parlant de campagnes publicitaires réussies, apparemment celle de l’Église Catholique pour le maintien (!) de la paix avec le pistolet et un crucifix fait beaucoup parler d’elle. Quelqu’un a un lien?
[via Doc Searls]