U.S. EBay Seller Refuses Canucks.

Wired story:

David Ingram received notification that his winning bid of $24.50 had been canceled, along with this message: « At the present time, we do not ship to, or accept bids from, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany or any other country that does not support the United States in our efforts to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. If you are not with us, you are against us. »

Out of curiosity, are such restraints on trade theoretically allowed under the WTO agreements (or NAFTA)? Or do those treaties only concern government imposed barriers and tariffs?

[via Algorythm]

La Cour suprême et Caillou

L’arbitrage et la Loi sur le statut professionnel des artistes des arts visuels, des métiers d’art et de la littérature et sur leurs contrats avec les diffuseurs?

L’arbitrage et la Loi sur le droit d’auteur?

L’arbitrage et l’ordre public?

Quoi? La propriété intellectuelle et la Cour suprême?

Extra extra, get the decision in French or in English here.

Editor’s note: I would like to give a shout out to all my homies out there who reades the excellent Pressepapiers.net…. Umm… should have posted earlier… but human nature… la paresse… :p