Ma playlist est tombée aujourd’hui sur Radio-Cochonnerie. Demandez moi pas ce que ça fait dans ma playlist, je m’en rappelle plus.
Leur slogan: « Si c’est poche, on l’a!« .
Approprié pour un vendredi PM
Ma playlist est tombée aujourd’hui sur Radio-Cochonnerie. Demandez moi pas ce que ça fait dans ma playlist, je m’en rappelle plus.
Leur slogan: « Si c’est poche, on l’a!« .
Approprié pour un vendredi PM
This paper focuses on the international telecommunications and Internet policy issues which ENUM presents. Really really good.
Why wireless spectrum should be sold to the highest bidder? Concerns about possible consequences of a too burdensome regulation over wireless spectrum licensing have been raised in an interesting article by Eli Noam (comments also by Lessig, Epstein and Hazlett) recently published in
The European Commission seems to share these concerns and yesterday adopted a recommendation that encourages EU countries to allow for the deployment of W-LAN with as little regulatory burden as possible.
The Information Society Commissioner, Erkki Liikanen, affirmed that the Recommendation “is an important step for the deployment of multi-platform and high-speed Internet connections”