Moral issues and file trading

Et de citer Slashdot:

 » An anonymous reader writes « Ipsos-Reid has released its latest research on file trading. Bottom line, the great majority of users do not believe they are breaking the law. Only 9% feel there is anything wrong with their actions. With 40 million Americans identified as active file traders this is indeed stirring information, though not surprising. Another stat, 73% of US downloaders report that their motivation for trading was to sample music for later purchase. You can see the charts and original press release here. »

Well it seems the public opinion and the music industry have very polar stances of the issue, with the law probably somewhere in the middle. Where exactly in the middle, it remains to be seen.

P2P to influence radio playlists

Ars Technica Newsdesk:

« ClearChannel, the darling of the radio world (heh), is doing something novel: the company is launching program that will take data from monitored P2P networks, and report to radio stations on what songs are hot. The idea is that this information can aide in creating more successful, responsive programming by keeping a rather direct finger on the pulse of the ‘net. »

BigChampagne, the monitoring compagny has a BandBattle page where you can plot the sharing-and-searching status of your favorite artists. The compagny seems to have a fairly pragmatical take on p2p. Worth a read.