I just had to post this Flash « videoclip ». It’s not new, but it’s so wonderfully absurd it deserves a post.
update: yes, this is some sort of twisted followup on the extreme milk thing.
I just had to post this Flash « videoclip ». It’s not new, but it’s so wonderfully absurd it deserves a post.
update: yes, this is some sort of twisted followup on the extreme milk thing.
Bob Shaw reports that
« New Telephony is reporting that EarthLink and Vonage are going to partner to provide US national VOIP service. »
I did mention this a couple days ago. To me, that can be called « convergence », not things like the marketing push for Star Académie.
[update: Cnet has some details]
John Udell has in post in which he criticizes my aggregator of choice. I admit I tried Radio twice, for half a day each time before deciding that I didn’t like it. And I haven’t tried NewsGator at all…
NNW is not perfect but I like it, and besides, I’m stil in the phase where I’m encouraging my friends to try to see if an aggregator can fit in their workflow, so any aggregator is better than none.
I do agree with him that NNW could give more consolidated views options though.
The same post also linked to a very interesting article about the tyranny of email that was later linked to on Slashdot. It’s a good read.
As I am at the end of a 3 hour period, I’m posting this without remorse.
Psst m’informe que les les « Mérites du français dans les technologies de l’information 2003 » de l’OQLF ont été décerrnés et le récipiendaire du prix « hommage » est Jean-Claude Guédon.
Félicitations Jean-Claude!