U.S. Diplomat’s Letter of Resignation

People resigning from their jobs seem to have that kind of insight and honesty that I often feel during eulogies. Recently there was this one from David Stutz at Microsoft. Now it is

« John Brady Kiesling’s letter of resignation to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. Mr. Kiesling is a career diplomat who has served in United States embassies from Tel Aviv to Casablanca to Yerevan. »

Worth the free registration…

[linked by so many people I don’t know who to attribute it to]

Ipsos-Reid sez P2P doesn’t hurt record sales

This survey challenges the view that P2P file sharing is hurting CD sales at all. BoingBoing summarizes the findings.

Apparently, so does this interview with a Ipsos-Reid research director but I can’t see it since  » Sorry, our site do not support Unix, MAC operation system and Java client for Record/Playback at present, You can’t Record/Playback using this way »(sic) .

Nice fact: Canada comes in second place, just after Taiwan, for percentage of 18-24 year olds having downloaded music from the Internet.

Lexmark wins injunction in DMCA case

Bon, histoire de finalement faire un post en lien avec le droit, voici un article de CNet rapportant qu’une injonction basée sur le DMCA a l’effet net d’interdire aux cies rivales de fabriquer des cartouches d’encre compatibles.

C’est au stade préliminaire, mais cela vient bien prouver, à mon sens, que cette pièce de législation est un retour vers un copyright comme instrument de contrôle de l’information et même des produits.

Merci /.