Je parlais de Lessig et de la PreCom la semaine passé. Il y a un feed audio du plancher de la conférence. C’est en direct, mais il y aura des archives.
Je parlais de Lessig et de la PreCom la semaine passé. Il y a un feed audio du plancher de la conférence. C’est en direct, mais il y aura des archives.
Hey Seek! Thanks to your blog, I realised that the summit was taking place today, and that most importantly, Lessig was there 🙂 Ha ha! I got to see him in action again! I got there just in time to hear his speech. Although I was sitting way up there in the conference room, I could still see him down there talking and there was a pretty big screen behind him with his face on it. He mentioned the Eldred case and his great honor of losing at the Supreme Court. How humble! He also talked briefly about the anti-circumvention provisions and how when he closed his eyes at night, he could envision this amazing network that allows the free flow of information, but when he opens his eyes, he can see how this architecture is being threatened by laws and different interest groups. He got a bunch of questions afterwards even if the panel wasn’t (suppose to) focus on IP. Anyway, thank you for posting up these useful info! I am glad that I caught up with your blog entries in time.
Another satisfied customer! I’m glad you could make it.
I listened to part of the audio feed while Cla had Messenger open on the conference floor. I tried to convince her to ask a question so I could hear her voice but she wouldn’t do it!
It’s neat the way these toys are just an almost normal part of our lifes today.