Disclaimer: I’m a Postscript snob.
Old news: Lexmark has been trying to use the DMCA to forbid third parties to make toner cartridges compatible with their printers. Apparently, since there is some sort of chip on the cartridge, that makes it DMCAable… (pronounce like DDOSable)
Late night induced flash: My limited experience with a Lexmark printer was a small Optra that had, I remember clearly, Emulated Postscript.
Not a genuine licenced Adobe Postscript engine mind you, but a hack, a bastard offspring of reverse engineering and interoperability exceptions that allowed Lexmark (and a bunch of other makers of cheap printers) to thus avoid paying a cent to Adobe in royalites.
So it’s not ok for others to make compatible consumable, but it’s fine to reverse engineer a PS engine?
Adobe has shown creativity in the past with DMCA stunts. I think that due to the growing acceptance of such stunts, it would be an interesting one to pull. Oh? PS does not have an anti-circumvention device?
Shrug… When I did attempt to debug a .ps file by hand… It sure looked cryptic enough to me.