I had missed that the comments from the first round of consultation on DMCA exceptions were posted mid-january. Not all of them are as well articulated as I would have expected.
[thanks Cla]
I had missed that the comments from the first round of consultation on DMCA exceptions were posted mid-january. Not all of them are as well articulated as I would have expected.
[thanks Cla]
Beyond Napster: using antitrust law to advance and enhance online music distribution, Matthew Fagin, Frank Pasquale, & Kim Weatherall, Journal of Science & Technology Law, Boston University School of Law
Compare the Dow Chemical website with the Dow Ethics website
I asked myself if it was a spoof for a few seconds, until I looked up dowethics.com:
owner-address: Marylin Mircus
owner-address: 56, flowers road
owner-address: 321
owner-address: Bhopal
owner-address: India
And registered with gandi.net of course. Very well written though. Too well actually. I wonder how long it will last.
[via Cla]
Quand, dans la version anglaise de l’annuaire téléphonique du gouvernement du Canada, on traduit le nom d’un juge de la Cour suprême — Claire L’Heureux-Dubé est ainsi devenue « Claire Happy-Dubé » ! — il y a effectivement de quoi pleurer…
La « débarcation » des Français en Amérique, Michel Vastel, Le Soleil
[merci Sniters]