Graphical Logs

« This is pretty cool–I’m surprised I didn’t see it earlier. James Spahr used OmniGraffle and AppleScript to generate a visual mapping/representation of his website’s traffic. The result is quite interesting… »[ Mr. Barrett]

I also like the system he apparently has to log all the websites he reads. I’d love a way to do this on a semi permanent basis, with an easy way to opt out of logging certain sites after you realize they’re not interesting after all. I have my browser history, but it’s really not too useful just sitting there as it is. Logging outgoing links from my news aggregator (or flagging stories for the feeds that have the entire content included) would be a good start though.

WSIS and open source

WSIS delegates fail to agree on a resolution about « supporting » open source software. The draft was changed to use « encourage » after objections by U.S.

What was the US doing at this conference? The little story has it that the summit, originally an Asian Regional Conference mutated into an Asia Pacific meeting because ESCAP insisted on participating. Here is the list of member states to the UNESCAP.

Update (03/02/03): The Register has an article on this story, which raises the same concerns.