Who are you and what are you doing writing this?

I’ve been surfing the web for a couple minutes now, I absolutely forgot what it is I was looking for in the first place. The non-chronological history of Chimera makes it hard to retrace my steps. All I know is that I just ended up reading a couple sites about Kobe beef and Wagyu cows. I think I need sleep

Besides the History panel, another thing I miss in Chimera are subscriptions to web sites that alert you when the page changes. I prefer RSS feeds, but when worse comes to worse, they can be useful, especially for job posting sites. One last rant on Chimera: the Cookie alert dialog does not give me any details on the content and expiration date of the cookielike Mozilla does. If you drop down a sheet, why not put something useful on it?

Cleaning my bookmarks

Ok, as I’m pretty settled into Chimera as my browser of choice, I’m weeding through many sedimentary layers of bookmarks, creating a couple multi-tab bookmark groups in the process. This is a great time saver to read my comics in the morning in particular, but also to get the weather on a couple sites at a time, get my favorites news sites all loaded at once. While I’m at it ‘ll take the occasion to share a few URLs.

Radio-Canada’s new page with a clean layout. Made to be accessible to disabled people. I love it.

Surrealist compliment generator in français. That’s what it is…

RedFlagDeals. I thought it was one of my China related links but no, it’s a site about internet deals for people living in that other North-American country.

The Axis Applet shows you common connections between countries. It’s quite ironic that the Afghanistan/Iraq/North Korea axis gives « These countries have not yet registered their Axis » (ok, but with Iran instead of Afghanistan it gives « axis of oil-producing border-disputers »). There is a whole bunch of little artsy code demos on that site. Wait.. did I just sneak « art » and « code » in the same sentence again?

Heavens above has all kind of information about. well.. heavens above, that you can customize for your location. Can’t see much of the sky here but I might have better luck in Morin-Heights.

Ever had a coworker who was stuck with a file he could not open? MacLink and GraphicConverter usually made my computer more versatile than most Windows-based machines in that respect, but if you don’t have those tools at least look up the file extension to know what kind of file it could be.

montreal city is a weblog without a RSS feed. But it’s a nice resource to keep up on local news. In that respect, YUL Blog is also a nice directory. I’ll get listed there once I get a real host.

alright, that’s enough for one post. Good w-e everyone. Apparently, despite what the website says, a couple more trail were groomed this week. Or maybe we’ll try something a bit more challenging.

Make a « page Seek » bookmark

Some of you guys know I have a pager. I pay for basic numeric service but I have always been able to use the internet paging service that’s supposed to be only for alphanumeric pager. Of course, it won’t work with letter, just numbers and dashes.

So by crafting a URL like this
You can bypass the web form. But more importantly, you can bypass the connection issues MSN Messenger has been giving me lately and even reach me for the few minutes in a day when I’m not in front of a computer.

I also use this occasionally in a script triggered by a mail rule to be warned of a message by a special someone.


Another cold inspired story: a Russian man had to be rescued after his penis stuck to a frozen bus shelter while he was urinating.

Classic… well at least he could cry for help, unlike when your tongue gets stuck somewhere.


A Chinese man has broken his own record by standing naked in sub-zero Siberian winter conditions for 4 hours in temps that reached -29°C.

Awesome!! Did he actually stay standing still and upright? Impressive. I hope it wasn’t windy. Were there bets on how many digits he’d loose in the adventure? Or maybe he had none left to loose, since he apparently held the previous record of 3h46, set in 2000…