Everyone and their dog is blogging about Creative Commons. A (primarly, for the time being) build-your-licence website sponsored by a whole bunch of interesting people. I really like the slogan, « legal code »
In a way, it reminds me of P3P, as it is a way to standardize contract terms. P3P aimed to allow people to act on standardized terms for the management of personal info. This does it for copyrightable content, without the automation and integration dreamed of by P3P. Most people have a fairly good idea of the rights granted by the GPL. Now well have different, if less concisely named, nuances of standard licenses.
Under what license is the content of this site provided? I worry more about my use of other people’s content that other people’s use of my stuff. No jokes about the value/originality/creativity of said stuff please. I would lean towards the Attribution-ShareAlike License.
I wonder what license are the licenses released under. Can I modify them slightly? Translate them? I’m sure the answer is on the website but I couldn’t find it. Given the recent fuss over the copyright on court papers, it’s a valid question.