BIlly Joel explained

This does a pretty good job in illustrating the song « We didn’t start the fire ».

It has always somehow fascinated me that this song does indeed fast forward through 40 years of american history.

The little flash thing isn’t perfect. Or maybe it’s my player. It seems to miss a couple verses though. Maybe it’s my permanent-beta flash player

Anyways, is this a copyright infringement? It does contain the whole song… and quite a few of these images are also copyrighted. Enjoy while it’s still up. As far as I’m concerned, it’s pretty educational though.
There was an great page on AOL that hyperlinked the lyrics with relevant web pages but it’s 404 now. Fear not, here’s the Wayback machine to the rescue.

[don’t know who to credit for this, I saw it all over the place last week and this w-e I remembered about the hyperlinked lyrics web page (that I originally saw on Memepool) which made this a somewhat value added post]

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