My cultural contribution of the day…

I found a link to this at a perfectly legitimate legal weblog. I have no comment on them, just thought that the pics were different from what we usually see (alright, and kind of funny too). Can it just be art? (Ok… there is somekind of social message in there but me not getting into that…)

Enjoy! It’s Friday!

3 réflexions sur « My cultural contribution of the day… »

  1. He says further down the page about something else «By the time I was up to 60 mg of Paxil per day, this work absorbed my total creative energy, which was approximately 0.00003 neuromicrovolts». I think it explains a lot.

    But I do like the images though.. This 40’s style has.. well.. moving on…

  2. Oh.. I didn’t notice there was actually a question in there…

    Can it juste be art? Why not? Is it infringing on anyone? I used to think this style was pretty general. Is it owned by any artist? Did they created derivated works using old posters and images? Looks like some sort of Pop Art to me: taking icons from an other decade and projecting on them a modern messages, or at least a different message than what is expected from the style. The fact that those messages might not have been acceptable at the time makes it even better.
    I mean for me those images are associated with late war propaganda posters, or tobbaco ads and pin-ups, not drugs and sex (although I always wondered what those pin-ups would say if they could talk).
    I couldn’t find any info on Copyfight about the images (I assumed that it is your legit law site). What is th eproblem with them? apart being midly subversive and suggestive?

    And why doesn’t Donna Wentworth have a RDF feed? I’d read her more way often.

  3. Hi all–

    The images are both art and a message, methinks. In order to understand the message, though, you may have to read “Gonzo Marketing” by Chris Locke (a.k.a. RageBoy)–the author of the blog with the images (FYI–I was linking to the fish from Copyfight, not the women. Not that there’s anything wrong with the women!).

    This man (Chris) can *write.* And *think.* And doing both at once…well, the results are really quite amazing, even mind-blowing (in the very best way). I recommend his book “Gonzo” and, if you can assimilate it, “The Bombast Transcripts.”

    Finally, I don’t have an RDF feed because the people who provide my blogging software don’t (yet) provide it. Wish that wasn’t the case.

    My best,

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