DRM discussions

I just have a thing for DRM, did you notice?

InfoWorld reports on DRM at Comdex, and, last July (yes, those Audible downloads have a way of backing up on me…) Seth Godin penned this cogent Memo To: Media Monopolists for Fast Company: « You can whine, lobby, sue, and then cripple your product so that it can’t be copied. Or, maybe, just maybe, you can stop thinking like a monopolist long enough to find new business models, new markets, and new strategic plans. »

[via Bag and Baggage]


atn (16:08:36): Des fois, le UI est lent en )*&?#)(*& sur le G4 400 ici
atn (16:09:30): Ok, j’ai juste 128 MB RAM, je roule dnetc, et ma carte vidéo est une merde (que je roule a 1600*1200), ca explique des choses, mais quand meme…
atn (16:09:59): et j’ai la facheuse tendance a ne pas redemarrer ma machine ou quitter mes applications.
atn (16:13:12): ce matin, j’ai installé un gugu pour avoir des system wide hotkeys. Je voulais juste ajouter un bouton mute sur mon clavier, j’ai fini par scripter une couple de commandes pour iTunes sur mes FKeys. (tiens, c vrai ca. pourquoi il y a plus de ressources FKeys sur OS X… c ce que j’aurais fait sous OS 9… meme pas pensé… Ahhh les bons souvenirs de Resedit…(peut ettre qu’il y en a et qu’on a oublié de me le dire par contre… mhhh))

Bref, les gros claviers logitech ou MS avec plein de pitons me tentent là.. marche ben en maudit et j’aime ca les boutons moi.
atn (16:14:22): a moins que j’aille directement pour ca

On the aggregator this morning…

bIPlog has a blurb on retailers using the DMCA to stop Fatwallet from offering price comparisons using data from their websites. Since Fatwallet understandably don’t feel like fighting the cease and desist and becoming yet another test case, chalk one up for the ever more likeable DMCA (and trigger happy lawyers).

In other news, Lessig is right in the Eldred case. This is from judge Posner, a « darling of the conservative movement », which makes this statement stand out. Who cares when wacko left-leaning hippies say it, right? Anyways, I’ll be happier when the supreme court agrees. In the meantime, bIPlog has a discussion.

G and A+B and WAP-not…

WiFi Standards and Etiquette
Glenn Fleishman offers wise words on the potential balkanization of WiFi standards. He doesn’t mention the elephant in the closet: Microsoft. It’s leading the charge for « etiquettes » on unlicensed wireless services in the 5 GHz band (and possibly elsewhere). Microsoft hasn’t provided specifics, and appears to be still working it the details itself. But the notion is that there needs to be something that plays the role of TCP to 802.11a/b/g’s IP. It’s not yet clear whether Microsoft’s involvement is a Very Good Thing or a Very Bad Thing. I don’t think it’s an evil company. I believe the people I’ve talked with really want to do the right thing to foster growth of unlicensed wireless. Still, there are significant dangers in the path Microsoft is going down. The WiFi community needs to engage these issues.
