Inline linking

For all of you who went through numerous sleepless nights trying to figure out the exact legal status of image search engines such as the one offered by Google, fear no more, we have received the long awaited answer from our superior leader.

Une réflexion sur « Inline linking »

  1. Great. So now I just take a couple tasteless pictures of myself and wait for you to send me a disgusted email because you just googled my ass?

    We can share the damages. 🙂

    Maybe I should move to the Sates first though.

    (yes, I’m aware that this is not exactly what the decision is about)

    Seriously, maybe a robot.txt file or meta tags could easily prevent such a problem? Or maybe the syntax of the file could be modified to allow for indexation of alt=”” tags and links but not the harvesting of thumbnails?

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