I assume most people have heard of Googlism by now. It’s a site that uses Google to get a list of things said about a given topic. It works fairly well for the easily amused although a meaningful use was not immediately obvious to me.
Then Fizzz suggested using « Slashdot » as a search term. Here are a few gems:
slashdot is a plot by microsoft to destroy the productivity of linux users
slashdot is filled with repitition that is very compressible
slashdot is to linux what osama bin laden is to islam
slashdot is to net culture what 125th street in harlem is to clothing companies that want to latch onto hip
slashdot is a website where open discussions thrive about things that are really important to the inner nerd in you
slashdot is made up of programmers who suffer from the delusion they are computer scientists