Where to now?

I’m wondering where to take this thing, this so called weblog. I never wanted a « this is my dog and here’s a link to my favorite band » homepage, but I like the idea of the knowledge processing and aggregation that goes on all over with weblogs, klogs, whatever is the neologism of the month.

So at this point I have a few questions I need to answer:

Should I stop this experiment or keep going?
Should I get a domain and host or stick with artisanal hosting?
Should I use a pseudonym or use my real name?
Sould I do a one man blog or aim for a me and friends deal?
Should I write in english or in français?
Should I focus on law and IT and generally « serious » issues or post anything that interests me?
Stick with MovableType or go with Radio?

Any suggestions would be more than welcome. Yes that means you.

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Une réflexion sur « Where to now? »

  1. Should I stop this experiment or keep going?
    Réponse de psychologue : Sens-tu que cette expérience t’amène du positif?

    Should I get a domain and host or stick with artisanal hosting?
    I am fine with the artisinal but hey, what do I know about this stuff?

    Should I use a pseudonym or use my real name?
    Do you want your 15MB of fame?

    Sould I do a one man blog or aim for a me and friends deal?
    Your choice…..but we are answering you know 😉

    Should I write in english or in français?
    La langue qui t’inspire le plus au moment d’écrire à moins que ce soit encore une fois une question de rayonnement personnel

    Should I focus on law and IT and generally « serious » issues or post anything that interests me?
    Your choice, but I would go with variety is the spice of life.

    Stick with MovableType or go with Radio?
    I will leave this question to the pros…

    There you go…I do have an opinion even though it is not clear 😉 😉

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