Ouain pis?

Est-ce que je suis le seul que ça ne fait pas tripper?

Je veux dire, tout le monde en parle, le gars a parti une mailing list. C »est chouette. Et il a des antécédents prometteurs.
On en reparle quand le premier beta est disponible?

Une réflexion sur « Ouain pis? »

  1. Quote:

    We are trying to make a PIM which is substantive enough and enticing enough to make people want to move to it from whatever they are currently using, which statistically is probably Microsoft Outlook. I’m not going to bash Outlook here. Suffice it to say that while feature-rich, it is very complex, which renders most of its functionality moot. Its information sharing features require use of Microsoft Exchange, a server-based product, which is both expensive and complex to administer. Exchange is overkill for small-to-medium organizations, which we think creates on opportunity we intend to pursue (as well of course as serving individual users)

    M’semble raisonnable.

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